Starting from November 1, 2016, a set of documents for receiving Technical regulations is issued on “all-services-in-one-place” basis. At “Pavlodar REDC” JSC an applicant may submit documents and receive permission to be connected not only to the electric power system but also to the heat networks. In its turn, “Pavlodarskiye Teplovyie Seti” LLP accepts and issues the Technical regulations documentation for heat and electricity connections. One may apply to “Pavlodarenergosbyt” LLP as well in order to obtain the Technical regulations, submitting the whole set of documents there, and receive the executed Technical regulations both for electricity and heat connections.
The addresses of all four places where the citizens of Pavloday may address their inquiries concerning the obtainment of the Technical regulations stay the same: 76 Toraigyrov St. (“PREDC” JSC), 149 Kamzin St. (“Pavlodarskiye Teplovyie Seti” LLP), 27 Krivenko St. and 160 Lomov St. (“Pavlodarenergosbyt” LLP).
The list of technical standards which “Pavlodarskiye Teplovyie Seti” LLP follows in determining the technical capability to connect a consumer to the district heating system
The list of documents necessary for execution of the Technical regulations received from “PREDC” JSC
About payment for the Technical regulations
The list of technical standards which “Pavlodar Regional Electric Distribution Company” JSC follows in determining the technical capability to connect a consumer to electrical power networks
Памятка потребителю о порядке подключения к электрическим сетям АО «ПРЭК»
Паспорт услуг потребителей к сетям АО «ПРЭК»
Памятка по адресам для оформления технических условий
Информация о наличии свободных и доступных мощностей г.Павлодар (схема) на 16.01.2025г.
Порядок технологического присоединения потребителей к системе централизованного теплоснабжения
Информация о наличии свободных и доступных мощностей г.Павлодар на 16.01.2025г.
For individuals
Information for consumers on preparation to a heating season in order to obtain an annual Certificate of readiness of a consumer to regular use of heat energy
For legal entities
Карта схема электрических сетей АО ПРЭК
Информация о наличии свободных и доступных мощностей, пропускной способности ЛЭП на декабрь 2024г АО ПРЭК
Информация о наличии свободных и доступных мощностей, пропускной способности ЛЭП на IV квартал 2024г АО ПРЭК
Однолинейная схема ВЛ-35 кВ и выше ВПЭС, ЗПЭС АО «ПРЭК»
A schematic map of the electrical power networks of Pavlodar region