Legal Issues
Правила дифференциации энергоснабжающими организациями тарифов на электрическую энергию в зависимости от объемов ее потребления физическими лицами, от 20.02.2009г. № 57-ОД с изменениями на 29.12.2017 г.
Закон РК Об энергосбережении и повышении энергоэффективности от 13.01.2012 № 541-IV
On abolishment of differentiated time-of-use tariffs
Order №309 dated July 8, 2016, of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On approval of the Rules for electric energy purchase and sale dealing with net consumers” (with the Rules included)
The Rules for electric energy use
The Rules for heat energy use
The excerpt from the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part). Part 4 Chapter 25 Paragraph 5
Law №541-IV dated January 13, 2012, of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Energy Saving and Increase of Energy Efficiency” (as amended on July 3, 2013)