Energy saving
Electricity consumption in Kazakhstan grows year by a year, which is related both to putting new production capacities into operations and to constant growth of household power consumption. However, growth of electricity consumption also results into growth of electricity producing, hence, more resources are spent, including the non-renewable ones. Due to this, the most optimal solution is being committed to energy saving policy, which disciplines people in issues of careful consumption of electricity and heat power.
In 2012 a Law “On energy saving and on increasing the energy efficiency” was adopted in Kazakhstan, being aimed at formation of careful perception of Kazakhstanis to issues of energy consumption. Within frames of this Law since July 1, 2012 it is forbidden to produce and sell electric bulbs with a capacity of 100 Wt and higher, since January 1, 2013 it will be forbidden to produce and sell bulbs with a capacity of 75 Wt and higher, and since January 1, 2014 – of 25 Wt and higher. Instead of those kinds of bulbs energy saving bulbs will be used, consuming several times lesser electricity.
Reforms in energy saving sphere also touch upon heat power consumption. So, owners of apartments and rooms located in multi-apartment housing, according to the law, are obliged to take part in common costs for undertaking energy audit, thermal modernization and equipping with common metering devices and automated system of heat consumption regulation.
Since July 1, 2012 consumers have to pay for heat according to tariffs, differentiated depending on presence or absence of heating metering devices. Tenants that have common household heating metering devices installed in their houses will pay according to a low tariff (20% lower).
“PAVLODARENERGO” JSC also adheres to energy saving policy at its enterprises and appeals tom its customers to be careful in consuming electricity and heating power.
You may learn how to make savings on electricity and heating consumption at the following link «Memo on energy saving», and you can get acquainted with principles of calculation of Common Household Needs here.