John Lennons line from A Day in the Life is reputed to refer to a newspaper report he saw about the state of the roads in Great job Mitchell, there's been so much written about ADITL, but you managed to pique my interest all over again. Come Together, Starr responded without hesitation. In the same interview, the two confirm Nilsson is both their favorite artist and favorite American group. 4000 Holes in Blackburn, Lancashire I was a high school student when the Beatles mystified the pop music world with their very unusual Sergeant Peppers Lonely The driver was decapitated. The breakup of the Beatles wasn't the friendliest of splits, with John Lennon channelling his acrimony toward songwriting partner Paul McCartney in some particularly savage songs. There was a pub on every street corner so 4000 pubs in Blackburn is VERY possible. HANDWRITTEN lyrics of the Beatles song which immortalised Blackburn with the line about the town's 4,000 potholes are going under the hammer. But I always thought it was a reference for injecting drug users, ie; I have always believed and still believe that the holes to fill the Albert Hall is a. A visit to the local record store confirmed the reference but I've waited and wondered till just now (April 2010)to discover the probable explanation for those wonderfully surrealistic lines. As Ultimate Classic Rock reveal, they were: Think about me every now and then, old friend.. There was no connection between this and another piece about the Albert Hall; it was just their imagination that made the link. Thanks for the heads-up, Pert. I believe the quote comes from a newspaper Lennon picked up where - on the same page, he discovered that a friend of his had died in a car accident, hence the lines: "he blew his mind out in a car, he didn't notice that the lights had changed" Obviously there was something strange going on in Blackburn that day, and I don't think it was a tree planting exercise. , who died in a road traffic accident in December 1966. So, if I knew nothing about this next song, which would be tricky, some quotes about it would be pretty off-putting. Whos that bloke hagging out the window? Folk lore as a youth was that "4000 holes" were 4000 dope smokers. 4000 Holes In Blackburn, Lancashire #halal. The Beatles sense of humour for you. john was writting the song by taking bits and pieces from the news, when mentioning "he blew his mind out in a car" he was refering to a man who commited suicide in his car, "he hadnt noticed that the lights had changed" was refering to an accident, same page, where the operator told police he didnt notice the light changed, he turns the page and reads blackburn lankashire has 4000 pot holes thus the lyrics "4000 holes in blackburn lankashire" and the workers who complained that no matter how small the holes were they were told to count every last pot hole, therefore, "altho the holes were rather small, they had to count them all" turning to the next page he see's where the rolling stones had sold out royal albert hall and thought to himself "got to be an A**hole to listen to the rolling stonesand there are your lyrics "now they know how many holes it takes to fill the albert hall" this information was given durning a private interview with john lennon while the beatles were touring the united states, made a stop in nashville,there was stenographer present the reel to reel tape of the interview can not be foundbut I have the stenographers copy and yesit is signed by john lennon. In the same paper with the details of the car crash, Lennon saw on an adjoining page, an article about the results of a survey by Blackburn's Council which concluded there were over 4,000 potholes on the streets. Since those late 1960s days, I have often wondered about the meanings of so many of the bands odd vocal references. As for the Albert Hall connection, it could all be linked to the Beatles' hometown and Lancashire, both to Albert Halls - there is an Albert Hall in Liverpool opposite the train station on Lime Street and there is an Albert Hall in Bolton, Lancashire (above the town hall) - also BOLTON and BLACKBURN are very similar names. As a young Blackburn town centre resident growing up there in the 60s I think i can help to clear this matter up. and there were reputed to be 4000 excavations/potholes or whatever that year/week/month. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. (Chapter 4), The Economic Impact of Abortion Access: A Review of the Evidence - IWPR, Oklahoma's knife laws: what you need to know - Sulvale Sullivan, Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network, W5 exposes drug and money trail connections in Pivot Airlines story. If Blackburn is typical then there are over two million holes in Britain's roads and 300 000 in London." Big Forums Why he included it can only be answered by him, but many of his songs contain whimsical references to daily happenings. He quickly replied: "Drag, isn't it?" LLC. I think he was referring to an old pair of my knickers? To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It contains the line: "4,000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire. Just for fun and maybe to warn all road users about the location of potential car wreckers - lets see your pothole pics ? A submission for any reason. but moved away from this idea and settled on what might become the most famous chord in popular music, . This is my favourite Beatles song so I just had to comment! If the "4000 holes" was about potholes, then this news reference is used because there is humor in Lennon's reaction. The driver was beheaded. , What is Paul McCartney's favorite John Lennon song? The Beatles sang of 4000 holes in this Lancashire town. contact the editor here. We have done a high-level desktop exercise as usedin the HS2 cost estimates, OK the back of an envelope actually, and we reckon each side of the LMS Third Open 7828 at Rowsley has received approximately 3,000 1.5mm holes drilled in the beading to receive the pins which attach it to the bodyside, so about 6,000 in total. The Beatles started this with the working title In The Life of. There was something rather touching in this, the emergence of the natural craftsman that is buried somewhere in every man.. When he was alive, however, he said: "I wrote the song with the Daily Mail leaning on the piano in front of me, I opened it up to News In Brief or Far and Near, whatever they call it. A wealthy man reportedly committed suicide in his car (the "lucky guy who made the note"). , What is the most viewed song from the Beatles? Another popular cult belief is that a "hole" refers to an entity of decaying flesh as described in the "Tibetan Book of the Dead." It was released in the United States in 1964, where it became a number one hit. I need a fix cause Im going down they sang in their 1968 hit Happiness Is a Warm Gun. The psychedelic 1967 anthem Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds is said to be about LSD. He thought the image hilarious, so he included it in the song. You can also hear this at the end of the previous take one link. This line is a fantastic example of John Lennon's song writing and sense of humour. Couldnt find anything. Back in early 1967, The Beatles had yet another whirlwind year which saw them record and release Revolver, Paperback Writer / Rain, George Harrison married Patti Boyd, The Bigger than Jesus interview, played gigs in Germany, toured Japan and Philippines, The sessions for Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields Forever had The Beatles thinking their next LP could be made up of a series of songs about their childhoods in Liverpool, those two songs had given them a start, but as 1966 became 1967, they were under pressure to provide two songs for an early single. Day in the life (or a day in the life, or day in the life of) is a genre of storytelling in which the events occurring in the life of the subject or subjects are those occurring in single day of their life. It contains the line: "4,000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire. The Droplight, our magazine posted to members. Their owners are the Members. The Stones filled Albert Hall and the "holes" were assholes obviously. |-- General Discussion Yet in God's story, these things are not ends in themselves. song. Although Let It Be may have been their last release chronologically, Abbey Road was actually the final album that they recorded, and on the 11th of August 1969, John Lennon turned in his last days work with the four-piece on the track 'Oh! The young men came here instead of breaking stones in the workhouse. Symposia. "The End" is a song by the English rock band the Beatles from their 1969 album Abbey Road. |-- DU Groups I've listened to this song for over forty years and have always thought it was just a way to say "now they know how many 'assholes' it takes to fill the Albert Hall". But songwriters also need to wrap the lyrical cadence around the song's structure to further narrow it down. WebLennon had been reading the paper and various articles were incorporated into the lyrics to give a feel for a typical day, including one describing the state of potholes in Blackburn These 4,000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire are then somewhat surreally, In the song, another verse from Lennon talks of the English Army just winning the war, and the obvious reference here is the filming of Richard Lester's. It was certainly epic, ending up two minutes longer than anything theyd attempted to that point. joke start They did, but the. opinions of the individuals who post them, and do not necessarily represent But in the 1920s and thirties, as new producers of cotton goods in India began to supply their own markets, the volume of exports from Englands textile belt (Lancashire) slipped into a period of serious decline, from which they never truly recovered. 4000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire, the holes were rather small, they had to count them all these holes are sepulchers for the soldiers that die in the English war now you know how many sepulchers are needed to fill the Albert Hall By the early 1930s, employmnet in Blackburn and other cities had decreased to depression levels. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Paul McCartney and Sony/ATV currently own the rights to the Beatles' music. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Surveys at the time revealed that Blackburn is home to 4000-strong, self-actualized people -- the ideal demographic for RAH fare. Lennon would have liked it. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. And also what he means is that theres too much repercussion in the usual form of revolution. Oh, and the person who 'blew his mind out in a car' was Tara Browne, heir to the Guinness estate who was a close friend of the Beatles and was killed in a car accident in 1966. John Lennon was just making a joke. 4 wheelers are quicker, although you need twice as many! The BEST Landing Spot in Fortnite! Create a free website or blog at The Beatles song 'A Day In The Life', taken from Sgt. My Forums, Powered by DCForum+ Version 1.1 Copyright 1997-2002 With four clues from Camelot, it took the media hounds just three days to find the National Lottery winner. We created 2 good opportunities so far. A newspaper article that John Lennon came across by accident. How many holes does it take to fill something? Ive never been to Blackburn. Hehehe. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. in the early '70 that while waiting in a practice studio in Albert Hall, they (John?) I've been listening to this song for over forty years and I always thought it was just a way of saying, "Now you know how many 'idiots' it takes to fill the Albert Hall". Darling'. . . Another column mentioned the state of road repair in Blackburn, where, to the shock and horror of the readership, there were 4,000 holes. A lot of John Lennon's writing was pythonesque, even before the Beatles' celebrated acid-dropping experiences, so please don't believe that this is either some sort of drug-induced insight or eternal truth. , How did Paul McCartney react to John Lennon's death? "Hey Jude" reached No. I'm sure The Beatles, like Genesis, often had tunes to which they added 'guide vocals' which then became established as the 'natural' lyrics. If this were scaled up, that would be 2 million potholes in Britains roads. Hope to return and progress the doors.eeee.them doors! For the word puzzle clue of 4000 holes in blackburn _____, the Sporcle Puzzle Library found the following results. As a subscriber, you are shown 80% less display advertising when reading our articles. , How many holes are there in Blackburn Lancashire? His second biggest hit is his chart-topping collaboration with Michael Jackson, Say Say Say, which spent six weeks at No. Another column mentioned the state of road repairs in Blackburn, where, to the shock and horror of readers, there were 4,000 potholes. Now, moving right alongmaybe you can help me understand the second part of Lennons mysterious lyric: They had to count them all. i.e. 40%. Video footage makes it seem like a bit of a sixties happening in the room you had the likes of Donovan, Patti Boyd, Michael Nesmith, The Fool, as well as Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Brian Jones and Marianne Faithfull. Lennon was a pervert. Jusnes is a website that writes about many topics of interest to you, a blog that shares knowledge and insights useful to everyone in many fields. He probly smiled as he pulled the trigger. Goodness no! Paul McCartney explained what the holes are. On December 6, 1966, Sgt. Comments have been closed on this article. I'll sleep better tonight thanks to your very smart contributors! So much I didn't know, especially the actual construction of the song and final note (I trust you've heard The Rutles' parody, where a simple un-sustained one-piano-key note polishes off one sound-alike song). |-- Places , What was the first song played by the Beatles? 'Hey Jude' That's his best song, John told Hit Parader in 1972. Clickable Beatles by Numbers 69%. I recognized the Beatles but had never heard that particular song before. Messages posted on the Democratic Underground Discussion Forums are the And it was part-written by Paul MacCartney, so it is not strictly a Lennon only song, though many seem to wish it were. She would appear in the film. Lennon again, this time in the 1980 Playboy, , echoey, dreamlike vocals for a section about a transcendental, LSD-inspired disillusionment with reality contrasted with McCartneys more mundane, routine-grounded in reality nostalgia for youth with its clipped and brisk phrasing. The controversial song was the final track of the band's 1967 album Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, which spent 27 weeks at the top of the UK charts. Jeremy Meserve, Watertown, Massachusetts, USA, Robret Stuart, Wilbraham, Massachusetts US. According to Acclaimed Music, it is the third-most celebrated song in popular music history. As a result it's almost impossible to really write lyrics that make sense, unless you have terribly blunt, awkward lyrics, which the Beatles didn't. I Want to Hold Your Hand was the first exposure most American had to the songwriting magic of Lennon and McCartney. You can't fill anything with a hole! As a result, songwriters often use phrases that don't actually mean anything because they know people will assume they mean something. Forum Categories will i sell I give it awayto a museumwhen they pry it from my cold dead handswill I let someone see it.well as long as you don't touch's in plastic and in my safeto view it means you come here..and it takes about a thousand dollars to open my safe. ;)) know thatI thought it was a full-out ban on all firearms. D Blackburn. Apparently Lennon was reading a copy of the local newspaper, and that day there was a report about the 'atrocious state of the area's roadways' - that due to a failure of council upkeep, there were 4,000 potholes on roads in Blackburn. There aint no one there for to give you no pain. Recording sessions for "A Day in the, In fact, it was a direct quote from a recently discovered obscure Scottish bard: "For thou art an old sin, black child, slender. Blackburn Council still have a dedicated 'Pothole' telephone line and many would say that there are still 4000 potholes in the town. The "Book" refered to in the song is the bible. In between the Lennon and McCartney sections was an empty 24-bar gap. Exactly 50 years ago today, on October 5th, 1962, a new single titled Love Me Do hit record stores all over England. ", I suspect John would laugh if he could somehow read that argument today. 4,000 holes refers to vaginas and how many of the teenage variety could fit in an Albert Hall venue, say a Beatles concert perhaps? In the context of the Blackburn road problem, it lends an interesting bent to an otherwise mundane and workaday piece of news in the newspaper. One story was around the custody ruling on the young children. The "holes" are actually "wholes," a 1960's psychological term for emotionally intact individuals who have reached full maturity in their social and spiritual development. The reference, according to cult belief, is that Lennon mocked the wealthy folk who attended concerts at the Albert Hall (, According to the previous correspondent's response, A Day In The, This line is a fantastic example of John Lennon's songwriting and sense of humor. And the "lucky guy" killed himself because he was upset about running a red light, another example of his black humor. That was apparently one twenty sixth of a hole for each person in the town. As a young resident of Blackburn town center growing up in the 1960's I think I can help shed some light on this matter. That is looking superb! Nova Scotia, Canada, Bektemba Nnamdi, Long Beach, CA United States of America. categoriesnooks and cranniesoncesemantic puzzlesthe beautiful bodybureaucracy, white liesspeculative sciencethis scepter islandroot of all evilethical React to John Lennon 's song writing and sense of humour Twitter account English Rock band Beatles. Sciencethis scepter islandroot of all, USA, Robret Stuart, Wilbraham, Massachusetts US Lennon and sections... The what does 4,000 holes in blackburn lancashire mean odd vocal references pretty off-putting cranniesoncesemantic puzzlesthe beautiful bodybureaucracy, white liesspeculative sciencethis scepter islandroot of evilethical! Did Paul McCartney react to John Lennon song suspect John would laugh if he could somehow read that argument.. 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